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I Wish, I Wish

Ever wish that people would do their part and pull their weight?

That's how I'm feeling today. I am seriously considering stepping down from some of my responsibilties. I often spread myself thin and end up unhappy and miserable.

Jack of all trades and master of none - Ever heard that phrase? Maybe I should stick to one or two things and just put great time and effort into those things and not always try to do everything.

I am going to pray about it. Will you pray with me?

I just wish that people would be more serious and put certain things in perspective.

Very short today. Just needed to vent...

...the next post will be a happy one. I pwomise.. and yes I spelled it like that on purpose! LOL

“My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual” -Phyllis Diller

... and with that said... Life goes on! :)


Theo said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean...hmph! Sometimes you feel like you don't want to care anymore. But yes, pray about it before you make any decisions

Mrs. Green said...

Lol for real! One day I just want to "not care" anymore!! Think that s possible?

Dani @ said...

Love the Phillis Diller quote!!