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April Showers, Bring May Flowers


I just want to share a few of my my April blessings with you! :)

My husband and I celebrated our first anniversary on April 12th! Although, we didn't go out of town, we took a few days off of work and stayed in sunny South Florida (although it rained on our actual anniversary) and just enjoyed each other's company! Long story short - we had something like a second honeymoon! :)

The first year was a blessing to both of us! And if the first year is supposed to be the hardest, I am definitely ready for what's to come! I'm excited about it, to say the least.

Lol my review went NOTHING like the above picture. I actually had my annual review as soon as I came back from my mini vacation and that went well! Of course, there are some areas that I need to improve on, but overall, my boss has been pleased and I think that makes both us very happy!
In April, I have been showered with countless blessings (only a few of which were mentioned here) and as we cross over into May, I look forward to the flowers that will blossom in my life from this point on!

I kept my promise! In my last post, I promised to make my next post a positive one!

Have a blessed day & weekend :)